EXtract 820M


Extract 820M is a manually operated retractable probe housing made of plastics to be attached on process tanks or tubing. The drive unit inserts the Sensor into the process medium and back into the cleaning chamber. When reaching the final position of the “measuring” or “service” position a safety knob locks each position automatically. Cleaning, rinsing and calibration of the sensor is possible while the process is running.

Datasheet Technical Information

Your advantages

  • Robust design, integrated scraper
  • Automatic locking system with indicators for measurement- and service position
  • Automatic safety lock while sensor is removed
  • Safe handling under higher process pressure due to unique rotary drive
  • PP, PVDF or PEEK available
  • Usable in ATEX-areas
  • High stability protection cage in Alloy for option PVDFImmersion length up to 94mm
  • High variation of process connections and sealing materials
  • Up to 10 bar and 140 °C
  • Easy retrofit to pneumatic drive prossible


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Process pressure: 0…10 bar
Process temperature: -10…140 °C
Ambient temperature: -10…70 °C
Immersion length: up to 94 mm
Sensors: 225 mm Ø12 PG13.5
Materials: PP, PVDF/Alloy C22, PEEK
Sealings: EPDM, FPM (Viton), FFKM (Kalrez)
Process connection: Flange DN50 PN16 / ANSI 2“ 150lbs, MNPT 1 ¼“
Cleaning ports: G1/8", G1/4", FNPT1/4"
Drive unit: manuel rotary drive unit
Limit switches: optional electrical NAMUR-switches



  • For all kind Ø12/225mm or Ø12/280mm sensors with thread PG13.5 (pH-glass- and ISFET sensors, conductivity- or temperature sensors, turbidity and other optical sensors)
  • Chemicals
  • Water treatment
  • Rough processes
  • Requirement of sensor replacement under process conditions


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