EXcap 120

Set of backscattering reference normals

EXcap 120 is a set of optical reference normals for verification, adjustment or calibration of Exner NIR backscattering sensors. This set can be equipped with up to three individually selectable single normals to verify the corresponding sensors in their ideal measuring range. The reference normals can be easily attached on to the measuring window, so that they are optimally fixed during verification or calibration. The normals are traceable according to NIST standard and can be verified at the factory.


Your advantages

  • No fluids for calibration or verification necessary
  • Very easy handling
  • Available for different measuring ranges
  • Individually selectable normals
  • Suitable for backscatter principle in high measuring ranges
  • Reference normals are traceable according to NIST standard
  • Factory verification with certificate possible


Request quote


Box dimensions: 120x116x40 mm
Box material: PP light grey
Quantity normals: 3 pieces
Dimensions: 22x26 mm
Material: AlMgSi anodized
Backscatter values: 10 %, 20 %, 50 %
Accuracy: ± 1 % from upper measuring range value of sensor
Certificate: inclusive



  • Verification or adjustment of NIR backscattering sensors EXspect 271


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